Attitude Motivation: Everything You Need to Know
October 4, 2020When employees come to work with a positive attitude, they are usually more productive, produce better work, and can influence the moods of those around them. Regardless of your role on a team, you can help people feel valued and respected, impacting their attitude and likely motivating them to further their contribution to the organization. Using the power of emotions to encourage team members does require you to be intentional in changing how people think and feel. In this article, we will further explore what attitude motivation is, how you can maintain a motivated attitude in the workplace, and some quick tips for energizing employees right away.
What is attitude motivation?
Attitude motivation is the practice of motivating people by influencing their thoughts and behaviors. Attitude and motivation are closely linked and can act as strong motivators of whether a team will work together effectively and achieve their business goals promptly. In fact, a positive attitude can directly impact the trajectory of your career, as you will be more motivated to work hard, try new things, and further contribute to an organization’s success.
All the members of a team want to achieve satisfaction and feel valued for the work they are contributing to a project. When employees feel valued and respected, they’ll likely be far more encouraged to produce excellent results, increasing the likelihood of achieving the overall company goal.
An attitude is a state of mind, while motivation is why you have to behave in a certain way. Your mood can improve or decrease your motivation. If you build a positive attitude within your workspace, you’ll notice that all the members of the team are motivated to be more productive, communicate more effectively, and produce more effort for the good of the organization.
Related: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
How to maintain a motivated attitude in the workplace
Here are some tips for creating a positive attitude and improving your motivation at work.
- Create meaningful relationships with yocoworkersers
- Set smart goals to motivate yourself
- Focus on your skills and achievements
- Get some rest
- Create and maintain a routine
- Create a reward system for yourself and yocoworkersers
1. Create meaningful relationships with yocoworkersers
Having quality relationships with the other members of your team can make your company a place you look forward to going every morning. It can also impact your attitude and motivation, resulting in higher long-term career satisfaction.
Building friendships at work can be as easy as grabbing lunch with one of the yocoworkersers instead of eating at your desk. You can also find a mentor who inspires you and create a positive and productive connection.
Related: The Best Ways to Motivate Your Team
2. Set smart goals to motivate yourself
Setting smaller, specific goals can help you stay focused and enthusiastic about the project you have to work on. Try rewording your to-do list to include smaller tasks that you can quickly accomplish rather than larger ones that will take substantial time and energy. Break large projects up into smaller pieces to make them more manageable.
For example, instead of preparing for a big upcoming presentation, set smaller goals of creating your slides and generating talking points for the speech. Fully complete one task before moving on to the next.
3. Focus on your skills and achievements
You can make sure to stay positive by focusing on what you’ve already accomplished in your career, as well as on the skills that you can contribute to your team. Looking back at your past achievements helps you see how far you have come and motivates you to work harder to achieve even more in the future. Try keeping an ongoing list of successes or even writing out accomplishments on a small piece of paper and adding them to a jar on your desk. The visual reminder should help you maintain your positive attitude.
4. Get some rest
When you are well-rested, you could find it is easier to manage stress, take on large projects, or respond to challenging tasks. When you have had adequate rest, you will generally feel motivated and positive about your upcoming day. Let yourself take breaks during the day, as well. Employees who take frequent breaks often maintain higher levels of productivity during the workday, which can help motivate others.
5. Create and maintain a routine
Creating a routine helps you to be more productive and reduces your stress levels. Create a to-do list at the end of each day and start with the highest priority item, as an accomplishment first thing in the morning can help you feel productive and positive throughout the rest of your day.
Read more: How to Get Motivated at Work.
6. Create a reward system for yourself and yocoworkersers
Try rewarding yourself for every small goal you achieve at work, like meeting an important deadline or reaching a sales goal. Make a habit of praising yocoworkersers for their successes as well, as you’ll be creating an atmosphere of positivity. For example, you could allow yourself a candy bar for completing an extensive report by a deadline or take your team on a company outing if they obtain a set number of contracts in a quarter.
Tips for energizing employees
Because employee productivity and success are often dependent on positivity, here are a few tips you can try right away to energize your team:
Go out of your way to give positive feedback for both big and small things.
Empower team members by letting them know you believe in their abilities and that they can achieve their goals.
Always stay focused on solutions and allow your enthusiasm to transfer to your team.
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