1. Wear sunscreen

One of the leading causes of wrinkles is sun damage. When your skin is overexposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, your skin ages prematurely. To achieve wrinkle-free male model skin, wear sunscreen every day. To ensure ultimate protection from the sun’s harsh rays, look out for SPF 30 or higher. Even better a moisturizer with SPF and your skin will be hydrated and protected.

2. Put frozen spoons under your eyes

This sounds kind of crazy – but it works! Put a teaspoon in your freezer overnight, and in the morning place it under your eyes. You will look instantly more awake, and your under-eye bags will disappear like magic. No matter how badly you slept the night before, you will be able to walk out of your house looking like a male model.

3. Hydrate

Each day, men should drink at least 10 cups of water. When you drink water, toxins are flushed out of your body. This results in a glowing, male model skin. Hydration is an easy way to care for your body – just up your water intake for plump, photoshoot ready skin.

4. Moisturise

Moisturising your skin is essential to reduce inflammation. When you apply moisturizer, you strengthen the top layer of your skin which is a barrier against toxins entering your skin and body. It’s an important part of any male model’s skincare routine and should be a part of yours too. Look for a moisturizer packed with antioxidants to help prevent aging.

Source: Buro 24/7

5. Sleep

Getting beauty sleep is not just for women! Male models swear by 8 hours of sleep a night for glowing skin. During sleep, your body repairs your skin, produces collagen which prevents wrinkles, and increases blood flow to your face, creating a healthy glow. A lack of sleep can cause dark circles under your eyes – to prevent this and ensure you have male model skin when you wake up, make sure you get your sleep!

Source: Kult Magazine

6. Cleanse

Cleansing is the most important step in skincare, and every male model knows this. Cleansing is a deep cleaning of your skin. When you cleanse your skin, you remove the toxins, dirt, sweat, and bacteria your skin has picked up or created during the day. By cleansing your skin, you can prevent acne, effectively wash your face, and remove dead cells that build up on the surface of your skin. Look out for cleansers that are made with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide to give your skin the ultimate deep cleanse.

Source: Getty Images

7. Use a chemical exfoliant

Although physical exfoliants, such as scrubs with sugar, microbeads, or walnut shells, are immediately effective – they don’t penetrate deep into your skin. For male model skin, use a chemical exfoliant with AHAs such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, or BHAs, such as salicylic acid. Chemical exfoliants are effective, as they help prevent and reduce acne, boost collagen and elastin production and improve discoloration and age spots.

Source: Shutterstock

8. Don’t use soap on your face

You may think it makes sense to wash your face with the soap you use on your body –but do not do this! The soap you use to clean your body can mess up the pH of the skin on your face. This can cause dehydration, inflammation, and even lead to acne. Use a dedicated facial cleanser to wash your face. The skin on your face is much more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body, so you have to be gentle with it. Keep your body soap away from your face!

Source: Go-To Skincare

9. Use sheet masks

For a quick skin transformation, use a sheet mask. Sheet masks are drenched in hydrating, anti-aging serums that permeate deep into your skin. Wear them for just 10-15 minutes, and your skin will be instantly brighter. Apply it just before you know you are going to have your photo taken – you will have male model skin in minutes!

Source: GQ Magazine UK

10. Massage your face

Use soft, circular motions to massage tension out of your face. When you massage your face daily you increase facial circulation, resulting in a healthy glow. When you massage your face before you apply skincare products, the products absorb easily into the skin. Facial massage is a simple way you can achieve male model skin for free.

Source: Serenity Therapies

11. Use clay masks

Amazing skin is free of toxins. To achieve this yourself, apply a clay mask for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the clay mask pulls out toxins, dirt, and bacteria from your pores. This process purifies and exfoliates your skin. Don’t leave the clay mask on for longer than 15 minutes, as this can dry out the skin. Look out for a clay mask with kaolin, sea mud, or charcoal to gain male model skin.

Source: The Idle Man

12. Exercise

Male models exercise to stay in shape, but did you know that exercise is also great for your skin? Regular exercise boosts healthy circulation, making your skin glowy and vibrant. By sticking to a regular exercise regime, you can reap the benefits too! Just make sure you cleanse your skin after working out to ensure that any toxins expelled through your skin are washed away and don’t stay in your skin.

Source: Finlay Mackay

13. Scrub your lips

If a male model arrived on a photoshoot with dry, flaky lips it just wouldn’t fly. To prevent this, use a sugar scrub on your lips. You can easily make one yourself at home; just combine brown sugar and coconut oil, scrub your lips, and then wipe off the excess. Any dry skin on the surface of your lips will be scrubbed off, leaving you with photoshoot ready lips.

Source: Male Model Scene

Source: Male Model Scene

14. Get a facial from a professional

Sometimes nothing can beat a facial from a professional. Skincare professionals have seen it all before and can tailor the facial specifically for your skin type. They can also provide you with personalized tips for your skin. Look for an aesthetician in your area who specializes in male skin. Male skin is different from the skin of women, therefore the person giving you your facial must understand your skin as a man.

Source: Australian Financial Review

15. Take vitamins

Vitamins are essential for optimal skin health. Many male models swear by vitamins for their skin. The vitamins you need to be taking for your skin are Vitamin C which prevents aging, Vitamin E which protects against sun damage and prevents dark spots, Vitamin K which prevents dark circles under your eyes, Vitamin A which promotes healthy skin cell production, and Vitamin D which boosts elasticity and collagen production. Look for a multivitamin that contains all of these essential vitamins in one capsule, to save time.

Source: Salud Movil

16. Steam your face

When you steam your face, your pores open up. This allows any dirt, bacteria, or toxins to be easily removed with a cleanser or chemical exfoliant. This subsequently helps to prevent acne, as the nasty acne-causing bacteria and toxins are removed from your skin. Male model skin is known for being clear of acne. To achieve facial steam at home; use a facial steamer, take a hot shower or bath, or simply place your face over a bowl of hot water, covering your face and neck with a towel to ensure that the steam reaches your face. Cleanse and exfoliate your skin after this.

Source: Live Strong

17. Avoid dairy

Dairy-free diets are known to clear up acne. If you want male model skin, avoid products such as milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt which contain dairy. Opt for a glass of water over a glass of milk, and in time you will see just how much your skin will thank you for it.

Source: Eat For Wellness

18. Use a face oil

You may assume that using an oil on your face would make your skin oily, or even cause acne. However, this is not the case! Face oils are a great way to hydrate and moisturize your skin. They are easily soaked up by your skin and are often packed full of antioxidants that prevent aging. Face oils can also reduce inflammation, prevent acne, brighten your skin, and reduce acne scarring and dark spots. Simply apply your face oil before bed, allowing it to soak in and work its magic overnight, and wake up with nourished male model skin.

Source: Go-To Skincare

Source: Go-To Skincare

19. Avoid sugar

A diet high in sugar can lead to inflammation and breakouts. For male model skin, avoid foods that are high in processed sugar. Opt instead for fruit and vegetables that are anti-inflammatory, and packed full of antioxidants.

Source: Kiyani Team Genesis

20. Meditate

Although stress is inevitable in our fast-paced modern lives, it can wreak havoc on your skin. Stress can cause breakouts, it can impact your sleep and cause inflammation. Meditation is a great way to destress and reset. Allocate 15-30 minutes each day to meditation, and it will be more than just your mind that thanks to you for it.


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